About us

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About Calpro Foods

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Our History

Calpro Food Essentials is a New Delhi based company engaged in manufacturing and marketing of premium and specialty bakery ingredients.

Calpro’s parent company is Saraswati Offset Printers and has been in printing business since 1966. Saraswati is one of the largest offset printing presses in northern India, specializing in printing of text books for educational institutions like NCERT, IGNOU. Besides this it used to print waxed bread wrappers for Modern Food Industries, a Govt. of India owned bread manufacturing company back in 1970’s and 1980s’.

CEO of Saraswati Offset Mr. Arun Agrawal found out that Modern Food Industries was looking for a product named Calcium Propionate which was used to elongate shelf life of making breads. Having background in Chemistry, the CEO got interested and explored the possibility of making it. He made a proposal to Modern Foods that was accepted and thus Calpro was formed in early 1980s. If you notice, Calpro originates its name from CALcium PROpionate.

Till about 90’s Calpro was selling only Calcium propionate to bakeries. When Mr. Amit Agrawal joined the business in 1995, he realized that Calpro cannot grow selling only one product. He thus added a large range of products for variety baking.

Around year 2001, Calpro tied up with several international companies and added a wide range of pastry, confectionery and breads also. From being only bread preservative company, Calpro transformed to a bakery ingredients company with a very wide range of products.

As the product line grew it became necessary to break the company into two so that it can focus on different categories and thus Calpro Food Essentials and Calpro Specialties were formed in the year 2007. While Calpro Food Essentials continue to grow into baking, Calpro Specialties diversified into dairy products. Calpro now operates out of a new modern facility of about 60000 sq.ft. area with all modern certifications.

Order to meet growing demand of bakery ingredients nationwide. We produce mixes for cakes, brownies, breads and other popular options that give the quality and consistency utilizing the range of flours, sweeteners, oils, fiber and more.

Calpro has successfully emerged as one of the leading flour milling solution providers by using enzymes, emulsifiers, hydrocolloids etc. Calpro is endlessly developing the products as per the demand of consumers with advanced nutrition, food safety and sustainability. Our bakery ingredients are made by deep research in our lab to ensure good quality and food safety.

Clients Served
Years Experience

Calpro Serving Bakery Industry With Quality PremixesBread ConcentrateIndustrial ImproversMilling SolutionsFortifications

Calpro Food Essentials is a New Delhi based company engaged in manufacturing and marketing of premium and specialty bakery ingredients, ingredient-related baking technologies and flour-milling solutions to the Indian and international industrials.

Its parent company, Calpro Foods Pvt Ltd began making preservatives for the baking industry around mid-80s and has now become one of the largest suppliers of specialty ingredients like preservatives, emulsifiers and enzymes to the Indian industrial bakeries. Now, Calpro Foods Pvt Ltd together with its sister company, Calpro Food Essentials Pvt Ltd forms the Calpro Foods Group.

Our Mission

• Provide customers with array of bakery ingredients products and flour milling solutions at a consistently high standard.
• Be responsive to our customer needs and exceed service delivery expectations.
• Be innovative in product development.
• Offer colleagues a friendly, caring, supportive and safe work environment, where everyone can contribute, grow and be respected.
• Invest in training and skills development.
• Only use high grade ingredients from reputable suppliers.
• Exceed all Food Safety and Health Safety Legislation.
• Manage the business to achieve adequate rates of return to ensure continual re-investment and development of the business.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to be a major Bakery Goods Producer, whilst maintaining traditional methods and recipes in a craft industry and to offer the highest quality of products and services to all of our customers using skilled, trained and competent staff.
To become a truly global retail brand by holding the No. 1 position in the organized retail sector of the regions we operate in and to strive to be the preferred employer for our multi ethnic employees.

Calpro Foods Essentials

Wants to get Quality Bakery Ingredients for your Bakery Business!!!

Our Core Values

We will conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all times, demonstrating high standards of honesty and integrity with everyone we are in contact with.

By delivering our vision, mission and values we aim to have:-
• Employees who are proud to work for us.
• Customers who choose us.
• Suppliers who prefer us.
• Competitors who respect us.
• Baker Communities who welcome us.