Farmer Bread Mix
It consists of processed seeds and grains. It can be used for the production of multigrain bread during the dough mixing as well as for topping on baked goods. Use of farmer gives added health benefits like addition of dietary fibre, anti-oxidants, anti-ageing minerals and essentials vitamins.

Farmex Bread Mix
Farmex bread mix is an economical multigrain edible seeds mix with the goodness of milled pearl millet. It can be added to the dough or used as toppings to increase the nutritional value and physical appeal of any bread.

Farmo Topper Bread Mix
Contains large sized grains and seeds and especially designed for topping of bread and buns which enhance visual appeal for the baked goods; also imparts nutty flavour and nutritive benefits.

Sesame Seeds
Preferred choice for bun toppings- besides giving an appealing look to bread displays, it also adds to the vitality of essential minerals and omega-3 fatty acids
to diet.

Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seed, also known as pepita, are the edible seeds of a pumpkin or certain other cultivars of squash. With a wide variety of nutrients ranging from magnesium and manganese to copper, protein and zinc, pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses wrapped up in a very small package.

Sunflower Seeds
The flavour of oven roasted sunflower seeds is uniquely nutty, aromatic and tempting. Sunflower seeds are full of essential minerals and antioxidants making them vital in balanced diet. Can be served with breakfast cereals.

Linseeds or Flaxseeds are one of the nutritional powerhouses of nature. It is rich in good fats, antioxidants, and fiber. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help in boosting health by strengthening your body and mind. Use flaxseeds as toppings or include them in our dough/crumb and get an amazing healthy crunch in your bread/buns.

Coarse Bran
Natural fibre from wheat, addition of wheat bran helps in making the bread healthier by adding minerals to it. It also helps in reducing cholesterol, helps digestion; helps find diabetes, gall stones and helps in prevention of cancer.
Also available- Fine Bran.

Rolled Oats
Usually an integral part of any good multigrain recipe, Oats bring lot of health benefits. They are an excellent source of dietary fibre, anti- oxidants and stimulate the immune system. Excellent for topping of breads or for service with breakfast cereals.
Also Available – Quick Oats, Rolled Oat Powder and Instant Oats.

Melon Seeds
Contains nutrients such as vitamin B, potassium, magnesium, and zinc, which studies have linked with various health benefits. They are also a good source of healthy fats and protein.