Vollkorn Bread Mix
A perfect rye flour for making Pumpernickel or strong rye breads. Vollkorn bread mix contains cracked rye grain, rye whole meal and rye sourdough to bake those authentic old fashioned German rye breads. It can also be added to any flour to give a distinct rye flavor. This flour is a rye connoisseur’s delight and will surely please any old fashioned German.
Ryefill Bread Mix
Ryefill bread mix is used to make classic light German rye breads. It contains German rye meal, rye flour & Sourdough to give an authentic German rye taste. It can be used to make innovative and non-traditional artisanal rye breads products like Rye Ciabatta or even Rye Baguette. Simple and easy to use recipes makes it user friendly and cost effective.
Sourdough Bread Mix
Pure dried sourdough flour which can be added in any dough to impart a genuine wheat taste, strong yeasty notes, sourdough flavors and properties.